Level 20 ♦ Half Elf ♦ Rogue

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
10 18 11 8 16 13

Mira was born blind, but that hasn't stopped her from becoming one of the most successful thieves in the city. She's able to use her keen sense of hearing and touch to navigate her way around, and has developed a unique form of combat that allows her to take down her enemies without them ever seeing her coming. Mira grew up on the streets of the city, and quickly learned how to take care of herself. She's always been a bit of a loner, preferring to work alone rather than in a group. She's never been one for the traditional elven way of life, and has always been more comfortable in the shadows. While she's never been the most social of people, Mira has always had a soft spot for animals. She's often been seen taking in strays and caring for them, and she's even been known to help the occasional person in need. Despite her disability, Mira has never let anything hold her back. She's a fierce fighter and an expert thief, and she's always ready to take on whatever challenges come her way.

Skills: Acrobatics, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth