Level 1 ♦ Elf ♦ Druid

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
8 12 14 13 15 10

Medea is a Druid who is in tune with nature. She is a kind and gentle soul who believes in the proper balance of all things. She is staff-bound and has a leopard as her totem animal. Her ideal is to protect nature and its creatures. She is also very attached to her family and friends. Her bond is to her leopard familiar, and her flaw is that she is sometimes too trusting. Medea has long, flowing black hair and green eyes. She is of average height and build. She usually wears earth tones and has a number of tattoos of animals and plants. Medea was born into a family of Druids and has always had a strong connection to nature. When she was young, she would often go off into the woods by herself to commune with the animals and plants. As she grew older, she began to feel a Calling to become a Druid. She studied hard and eventually became one of the most powerful Druids in her tribe.

Skills: Animal Handling, Nature