Level 2 ♦ Halfling ♦ Bard

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma

Lutha is a Halfling Bard who loves nothing more than to sing and dance her way through life. She is always the life of the party, and her cheerful nature is infectious. She loves to meet new people and experience new things, and she has a knack for charming her way into any situation. Her one drawback is that she can be a bit impulsive and reckless, and she often finds herself in over her head. But she always manages to talk her way out of trouble, and she always comes out on top in the end. Lutha is a small Halfling, standing at only three feet tall. She has bright blue eyes and long curly hair that she often wears in a messy bun. She loves to wear colorful clothes, and she is never without her trusty lute.

Skills: Performance, Acrobatics, Perception