A space for my ramblings and reflections...

10/01/2022 4:51pm - GLORIFY DEFY, 4th OF JULY

Hey Guys! Just heard about the Otsuka Game Day happening in a couple of weeks. Sounds like it's going to be a great event for the Tokyo RPG community. One of my friends Sean has put together a really cool Dungeons & Dragons campaign called 'Glorify, Defy, the 4th of July!' I'd love to see some of my blog readers come along to the Titans Craft Beer Taproom to join in on the fun. I’m sure you'd have a blast!

Sean tells me that, "Glorify, Defy, and the 4th of July is set in the world of the musical 'Hamilton' and tells the story of a group of American Revolutionary War heroes who are recruited by George Washington to kill King George III. The campaign is specifically set during the 4th of July, when the Declaration of Independence is read out loud in New York City. The campaign is a satirical take on the American Revolution, and the player characters are expected to use their knowledge of history to defeat the British King."

Sounds like a really cool and creative campaign! So if you're in the area, and you love Dungeons & Dragons, or just want to play a really cool game, make sure you head down to the Titans Craft Beer Taproom on Saturday June 29th.

08/01/2022 2:26pm - TITAN'S TAPROOM

The Titans Craft Beer Taproom is one of the coolest places in Tokyo, if not the world! I'm so stoked that the Tokyo RPG Meetup is holding it's first Game Day there in a few weeks. They've got a bunch of tables set up there for D&D and Pathfinder games── this is going to be really really fun!

I'm just about ready to start my next D&D campaign though, I figured I'd encounter some other bloggers here on Psyhigh. I've got some pretty neat ideas for new pcs I'm gonna play and some interesting npc's I've created. Would love to find a group of bloggers who are looking for some fun and games. Let me know if you want to put together a group of players.

Anyway, hope to see some of you craft beer lovers at the taproom and hopefully lots of fellow Dungeons and Dragons players at the meetup game day.

Question: Which beer is your favorite? I'm super into stouts right now── creamy and chocolatey with a hint of coffee is my absolute favorite. Well, so long as it's local. Can't forget local!

'Gonna be seeing some of you around there soon. I'll be the kleptomaniac gnome illusionist sorcerer (sound familiar?)

02/01/2022 9:51am - A COLD WINTER'S NIGHT

Monday - Now this is a cold winter's night!

The tree outside my window is covered in frost. It's huge, lots more branches and leaves than last time I looked. I think trees are so @#%*ing awesome I bet they can get away with swearing. They should!

I'm alllmost done making the next hefty supplement for my D&D campaign. I had so much fun with the 3.5e campaign setting I made for my last campaign that I became very inspired by it, and I really wanted to continue using it. It's a high magic setting with a lot of fun characters and cool NPCs.

I think I might put together a couple D&D meetup events using the supplement (although I'm gonna use the 5e version this time) but it feels too early to put together something so concrete.


Maggie and I went to Bricks and Barley on the water in Warwick for the first time and really enjoyed it! We had some big, gorgeous oysters to start with, and then we shared a clam chowder and a big burger. We brought food home with us, too.

It was nice to not have to drive and park in Newport for a change. :)

I bought a couple bottles of Riesling and Maggie made us pecan pie, which was delicious. We watched All Stars and two of the old Rockford Files movies. We drank our wine and ate our pie and stayed up until 10.

We set our clocks back an hour and now we're going to bed and I'll stay up late to work on a supplement for @Dragons and Dungeons, which I miss very much. I'm so glad to have more space here to think about my games and really get some solid work done.

Happy new year and go (almost)Hawkeyes!

01/01/2022 8:31am - A YEAR IN REVIEW

So I don't get too derailed by work, I've decided what I'm going to talk about last year. I'll focus on some of the great things I've been able to accomplish (and learn), rather than what I was unable to accomplish (and learn). Plus, it's just more fun that way.

So, what I was able to accomplish (and learn), the things I'm going to talk about from the past year, in no particular order:

31/12/2021 1:57pm - NEW YEAR'S EVE 2021

Maggie and I were going to go see a movie today but we decided against it because we don't really like any of the new movies that are out. Instead we rented a bunch of movies from the library and we're going to have a movie marathon! Our first movie is going to be The Machinist, followed by The Prestige, The Village, and The Sixth Sense. Now we’re going to make popcorn and just relax. It's been a pretty hectic year and we just wanted to have a quiet day. Plus, we both have to work tomorrow so we figured we should just take it easy.

Tonight we're going to have some friends over for a small New Year's Eve party. We're going to play some games, drink some champagne, and just generally have a good time. I'm really looking forward to it!

I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year!

15/08/2020 2:14am - The Mask

It's almost as if just anytime I remove my mask I'm taken over by something or someone── I've done some crazy things while I was infected and I have morning-after memories of some bizarre Nightmares or visions... I simply have no control over myself when I'm wearing that mask! and the worst part is..... I love it! whether it's walking around in my jester costume (which makes such a good disguise!) or the near-inspiration and near-insanity I feel while writing(usually on my blog) or upon seeing art or music in general. I feel like a kid on Halloween going from door to door getting candy and being able to play around on Will-o'-Wisp's land of illusion. If I take the mask off I'm dull and I'm back to my boring and less creative self, but as long as I keep the mask on I'm some sort of enigma who continually surprises their friends and other students with a vibrant and extroverted persona. I feel like in some alternate reality I'm dying to be let out and this is my only way to do so.

The mask is a metaphor for the persona that we put on in order to interact with the world. It's a representation of the façade that we put up in order to protect ourselves from being hurt. When we wear a mask, we are able to be someone else. Someone who is not bound by the same rules and limitations that we have placed on our own selves. We are able to be whoever we want to be, and do whatever we want to do. The mask allows us to escape from our own lives and into another world where we can be anyone or anything we want to be.

Seriously, though. I love this mask.